MBL Seminars Interest relief and REIT basics – February 2023

Sarah Squires has been asked by MBL to provide two webinars for them as part of their Learn Live programme  in February 2023 on corporation tax topics.

The first webinar, on 15 February 2023,  is intended to provide an introduction and overview of the various UK corporation tax regimes that impact interest relief. Details, including how to register, can be found here [https://www.mblseminars.com/Outline/Interest-Deductibility-for-Companies—Live-at-Your-Desk—Learn-Live/16713?RemoveLocation=true&RemoveDates=true&RemovePSC=true

The second, on 28 February 2023, looks at the what, why and how of REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and is intended to provide a high level overview of the tax treatment of REITs and their investors. Details, including how to register, can be  found here [ https://www.mblseminars.com/Outline/Real-Estate-Investment-Trusts-_-Tax—The-Fundamentals—Learn-Live/17249?RemoveLocation=true&RemoveDates=true&RemovePSC=true]

Sarah Squires

Sarah Squires


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