Here are some of the many tax cases we have handled in recent years. Please use the filter to select cases by area of expertise.

Chadda v Revenue and Customs Comrs

[2014] UKFTT 1061 (TC), [2015] WTLR 75

Inheritance tax implications of property passing by survivorship and the formalities necessary...

Brightsolid Online Technology Limited v. HMRC

[2014] UKFTT 1040 (TC)

 Whether credits issued by online genealogy database face-value vouchers for VAT purposes.

Taylor Clark Leisure plc v. HMRC

[2016] CSIH 54

Claims for repayment of VAT in context where claim relates to transactions...

Taylor Clark Leisure plc v. HMRC

[2014] UKUT 396

 Fleming claims in context of VAT group where a company has left...

Devine v. HMRC

[2014] UKFTT 855 (TC)

 Appeal against assessments to betting duty based on alleged underdeclarations of turnover.

Fisher v HMRC

[2014] UKFTT 804 (TC)

 Transfer of assets abroad: tax avoidance; motive defence; quasi transferors; incompatibility with...

Lees of Scotland and Thomas Tunnock Limited v. HMRC

[2014] UKFTT 630 (TC)

 Whether snowballs are cakes or general confectionery for VAT purposes.

Ardmore Construction Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners

16 ITLR 992 and [2014] UKFTT 453 (TC)

James Kessler QC and Amanda Hardy acted for the appellant. Income –...

Ardmore Construction Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners

[2014] SFTD 1077 and [2014] UKFTT 453 (TC)

James Kessler QC and Amanda Hardy (instructed by BDO Stoy Hayward LLP)...

Luigi Pia and Sons v. HMRC

[2014] UKFTT 232 (TC)

 Appeal against VAT assessments based on alleged underdeclarations of turnover.